Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Daisies Sprouting

A message from Jeannette: So here I am in a chair for hours, awaken suddenly by some unknown noise that turned out to be the patient next to me snoring. I was in such pain with a nose bleed, sore mouth, black and blue veins that I wanted to scream. By now even the thriller with serial killers I was reading sounded predictable. I was contemplating complaining about the dreary German weather, having not seen any sunshine nor flowers since my arrival, till I looked around the room and all of sudden it reminded me of a time when my children and I were in Beijing 5years ago in the train station. Those of you who has been to China knows that there is no such thing as personal space; you are lucky if only one person steps on you, usually there are many more on all sides touching, sitting, pushing especially in a train station. The train was late, since there was flooding and so many trains were canceled. When ours arrived, the riders were running away from doom like an exodus from a refugee camp. Millions of feet shuffled forward toward the platform, I though I was going to be human squeezed juice for the day. Well we bought $100 ticket each for a sleeping cot since it was a 20 hour trip from Beijing to Guiling. As a family, we kind of complained about the small size of the cots till we noticed that in the first several cars people bought $1 tickets for standing room only, then there are those better off that paid $2 for a sitting one, and there they stay standing or just sitting for 20 hours or more… I thought wow, what happens to these souls when they are sick, would they be lying in a leather covered chair watching TV, reading novels or just dying alone on the road somewhere.
This time I looked around carefully and noticed that most of the patients with their mouths open producing the melodious snore looked so much at peace. I hope wherever their loved ones are they can see them at rest and in the best of care. I also remember all of your thoughts and prayers, that I am loved and prayed for. Somehow the flowers that grow from human kindness are more beautiful than anywhere outside. I can even imagine the daisies sprouting from the patient next door’s open mouth. At that thought, I started laughing so loud that the nurses looked up and checked their records probably wanting to make sure I was on a correct infusion and not some laughing gas. Everyone around me seems to be sprouting flowers, I love it! So I guess I will lie down and open my mouth and let everyone knows that I am also at peace,,,,,and let my daisy sprout.
When you pray for me please includes all those in need. Back to snoring, and maybe boring serial killers.


  1. Dear Jeannette,

    I laughed so hard about the "daisies." I was sleeping next to a snorer last night! He roars like a tiger and looks so peaceful doing it! Wakes up and has no memory of his loud snores! I will think of the daisies next time & laugh along with you!

    I loved your story about China - it is very touching. We do have to count our blessings. There are about 6 billion people in the world & 1 billion of them go to bed hungry every night. If we have food, shelter & are living in a safe place....we have more than 90% of the people in the world.

    I am glad that you have found a top notch place to receive cutting edge treatment.
    As I count my blessings over Thanksgiving, I am grateful that you are there receiving the best possible care & that you have Alan there to support you & many people all over the world praying for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving! You are a blessing to us all, Jeannette. As my family gathers for Thanksgiving & we sit down to say grace before our meal....we will include a prayer for you, the people taking care of you & all the other patients who are trying to get well.

    Take care,

  2. Jeannette,
    It is so good to read the poetic and full of humor writings of yours again. My son & I stopped by MGM Foxwoods and met with my daughter & granddaughter there. The business was very light and the slot machines were very hungry and greedy. I had lunch with my children there but I skipped dinner at the Shrine. The fun of those new slots could not help me thinking of you. My laptop was in the car, at that time, I felt that I should have an iPhone. We got to my daughter’s house after midnight. I fell asleep with my laptop on my bed. Thank you very much for your email. Keep up the good thoughts. We are all sending you our good wishes.
    Auntie Frances

  3. Jeannette,
    I hope if you are well enough at the end of treatment that you are able to visit a Christmas Market and that Alan can enjoy a nice, hot Gluwein.

    My thought and prayers are with you.


  4. Hi Jeannette,
    I was loughing so loud that a co-workers asked me if I am OK /I was reading first thing in the morning before I start my calls/. I shared your last night story with them and it was loud & long laugh in our corner on 2nd floor of Manattan office. Thank you my dear for a good idea, from now on I will appreciate snoring of my husband and just imagine that he is sprouting daisies. I love it!
    Best wishes,

  5. Hi Jeannette,

    We're in the office are all rooting for you. Can't wait until you come back and join us celebrating the beating of this dreadful disease. We are all admiring your high spirit. This is the best weapon to fight this terrible disease.

    I don't know if you have tried the real "Black Forest cake" there yet. It was terrible! It's too sweet and too sticky for my taste. I will buy you a good cake from a Chinese bakery to celebrate your comeback.

    Wish you the best on this eve of Thanksgiving and God Speed your recovery.


  6. Jeannette, while their sleeping, resist the urge to water the daisies!!!! Once I went biking with a group and we stayed at a hostel, this huge room full of bunk beds, well, I just happen to have the top bunk and the guy who snored the loudest was on the bottom bunk. I thought a train was going through the room the entire night. I almost put an apple in his mouth, but now after reading your story, I should have planted watermelon seeds instead!!! Thanks Alan for posting the photo of Ziccor-wow, he does look like a friendly giant next to Jeannette-and what big hands he has!!! I'm surprised you don't break in two when he gives you a massage. It's nice to put a face with the people you describe!! Now, if I go to Germany and run into Ziccor, I can say,"hey, I know you!!" Hope he doesn't shake my hand too hard!! Hang in there Jeannette, this stage will pass and you are going to be home soon! And don't worry, with the thousands of prayers being said for you, there are extras to go around for everyone at the clinic. Love never subtracts, it only multiplies. Lots and Lots of Love, Liz
