Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 2 in Germany at the Privatklinik of Dr. Ursula Jacob

This morning Jeannette and I had a wonderful healthy breakfast of fresh squeeezed juice, home made yogurt with nuts, flax seeds, fruit, granola, etc and fresh whole grain bread too. We then met with Dr. Jacob. There is good news and bad news. Good news is that Jeannette does not have cancer in the liver. What a relief! But the bad news is that the cancer in her right lung has spread to her heart wall, lymph nodes in the thorax area and in some of the surrounding bones. They drew blood to do a detailed analysis to determine chemo sensitivity. This is not generally done in the US. Then they gave Jeannette drips with lipoic acid, Vitamin C, Glutathione and other drugs to build up the liver and immune system. Next, Dr. Jacob, guided by ultrasound and with another doctor and nurse's assistance, removed fluid from Jeannette's right lung that had been building up now for several months. 1.2 liters of yellowish fluid was removed from her lung! It was shocking how much fluid she had built up. Dr. Jacob said she added something to stop the fluid from returning. She also sent it off to pathalogy. Lunch was served: salad, turkey with sauerkraut and potatoes and ice cream for desert. In the afternoon we had a nap. Alan went for a short walk in the area trying to get his bearings and he had the best massage of his life from Ziccor, a huge man with oversized hands. He went right for the painful area in my back. He said that he could tell the problem from how I walked. Jeannette will get a massage tomorrow but this was too stressful and painful a day for her to get a massage. Dinner was very light - lots of green salad, deli meats and cheeses, fruit. It is early but we are very tired from a long day.


  1. I am so glad to hear that the doctors there are so thorough in locating the cancer area. I hope that Jeannette can keep up her appetite.

  2. Alan,
    Sending bunches of hugs, prayers, light and love to Jeannette.
    She is so lucky to have you by her side on this journey

  3. I am thinking of you, wishing you the best and a big kiss and a hug.Aurora

  4. Jeannette and Alan, thanks so much for the update. I'm honored to have the first dance when Jeannette comes back!!! I'm so happy that Jeannette is in such a comfortable setting and that she is eating well. Have you had white asparagas yet-it's really yummy and they have lots of it in Germany-don't know if it's the season though. Jeannette, keep fighting-you are a woman warrior with a huge heart and positive spirit as your sword and shield with a devoted international army of followers and a caring first general at your side. With love and admiration always, Liz
